Our Products

Servo Drives

Servo drives are generally used to control the speed, position and torque of brushless servo motors. Nordic Servos servo drives comes in a variety of sizes and are suitable for static and mobile applications across many industries including: Industrial automation, AGV’s and robotics



XtrapulsPacHP is a versatile AC servo drive with outstanding control performance. It provides the interfaces and functionality required by a wide range of single and multi-axis applications with demanding specifications. The XtrapulsPacHP servo drive is fully compatible with the previous XtrapulsPac version.


XtrapulsEasy 230 VAC

The 230 VAC servo-drive XtrapulsEasy is a performing, compact and easy-to-use drive. Thanks to its cost-effectiveness and its optimized functions, it is extremely useful and practical for applications where price is a determining factor.


XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC

The 60VDC servo drive XtrapulsEasy is a performing, extremely compact and easy-to-use device dedicated to applications operating with a 24VDC to 60VDC voltage. Thanks to its cost-effectiveness and its optimized functions, it focuses on applications where price is a determining factor.